Here is a blog about Matt and my (Erin) January Interim in the Netherlands. We will be learning about Dutch engineering and how the Dutch have change their landscape. I will try and post everyday about our daily excursions.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Jan 15 Open Air Museum

Today we went to an Openluchtmuseum (Open Air Museum) on the outskirts of Arnhem, with Ron. It was a lot of fun. We got to see the Dutch culture from an old farm village to modern day Netherlands. The first picture are of large grinding stones to make oil, normally the gears are turned by horses but now they are turned by motors.

The next couple of pictures are from an old
farm house that we went into. The furnace was the only source of heat in the house, and so most of the time the beds were hidden in the walls of the dining/living room.

This is a picture of all of the canned fruit and vegetables that was often found on a farm as a way to preserve their food. And there is a picture farther down that is a picture of the cellar where more food was kept.

This is a picture of the sitting area or dining room and it had more beds in the walls. I like this picture because it has the design under the window that was made out of sand.

The cellar where more food was kept.

The next set of pictures are from an old farm house but has been decorated on the inside to look like a modern style Dutch farm house. It reminded me of a ranch style house in the states. This house consisted of two farm houses and two barns put together. I loved this house the layout was great.

This is a picture of the outside of the house.
It doesn't look that big but it is huge. Two kitchens, two floors a library, and the list goes on.

And what would a Dutch museum be without
a windmill or two.

We also saw the train depot there. It showed the evolution of mail and how it has been delivered over the years. I am the one looking away and the other person standing in the picture is Ron.

Pretty bridge that was there, it was covered in lights and was really pretty at night.

And of course being on a farm means that there were cows and pigs there too. The cows were really friendly and soft.

I have more pictures from the Openluchtmuseum and I might add them later but I don't have the time now. :(

After the Openluchtmuseum we went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant in Utrecht and then we decided to go on this Lumen tour through downtown Utrecht. You are led by these lights that are in the street and they lead you around to different parts of downtown that are lit up in different ways at night. Here are just some of the pictures Matt took that night.

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