Here is a blog about Matt and my (Erin) January Interim in the Netherlands. We will be learning about Dutch engineering and how the Dutch have change their landscape. I will try and post everyday about our daily excursions.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 5 Amsterdam...again

Yesterday Matt and I saw a lot of cool things that we didn't have enough time yesterday to go see in Amsterdam. And since today, Friday, we had a free day we decided to go into Amsterdam today, and luckily it wasn't raining today. First I need to tell you a story about our ride to Amsterdam. Matt and I got on the bus and not two seconds after we sit down and the bus takes off, I remembered that I had forgotten to put the SD card back in the camera, UGH!!!!!! There is only one stop between Amsterdam and our town so we decided if our bus stops there then we would go back and get it, we weren't happy about it but we really wanted pictures. But then Matt remembered that he had put our old 1GB SD card in the outside pocket of the camera case. Thank goodness we were saved, which is a good thing because that bus line didn't stop at the one stop between our town and Amsterdam. So yea, I have pictures to share.
We started out by going to the NEMO, which is the science museum right on the Ij river. I didn't take that many pictures here but here is what I took. Matt is trying to dam up the water to make the turbine spin faster.

So we went all the way through the science center and we found this cafe. We looked at the menu and decide to eat lunch up there. Matt had a chicken sandwich, and I decided to go American and ordered a hot dog (I was really happy they had Heinz ketchup). :)

Here is a picture of the inside of the science museum. It was four floors and had some very interesting exhibits. Like one was all about sex, which is actually the red building in the bottom of the picture. And there was also an exhibit about hormones. And there was also electricity, the mind, light, and of course water.

So the next two pictures were our panoramic shots of the view from the cafe on top of the museum. We are actually standing on the roof of the museum now. It was really cool, literally and figuratively.

After the science museum we went to the OudeKerk (Old Church) that we past by yesterday but didn't have enough time to go in. Sadly though like most places it was under renovation so we couldn't see all of it.

So like most old churches they had graves as the floor. We saw a plot of all of the graves for the church. There had to be over 200 up to 300 graves in the church.

This is the organ in the church. It is huge. And what we figured out was that the organist sits in front of the tall pipes but behind the small wooden part in the front that has pipes in it. And luckily we got there around 2:15 in the afternoon, and there was an organ concert at 3. So we were really happy. We stayed and listened, and they even had electric foot warmers by all of the seats, so that made me happy.

Tomorrow we leave for our home-stay up in the province of Groningen, in the city of Aduard. I don't know if they have internet so there might not be blogs until Monday night. See you later.

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