Here is a blog about Matt and my (Erin) January Interim in the Netherlands. We will be learning about Dutch engineering and how the Dutch have change their landscape. I will try and post everyday about our daily excursions.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jan 10 - Terps in Groningen

After our home-stays we went on our first excursion. We went and looked at terps in the northern part of the country. For those of you who don't know what a terp is, it is a dwelling mounds or elevated part of land that the Dutch built to keep their homes above the floods.

This is an example of a terp. Most of the mound has been dug away because the soil is very fertile, but you can see that the church is higher. It is crazy to think that they made all of these with shovel and wheel-barrel.

This is the view down the main street. Luckily it wasn't cloudy or rainy that day.

The next group of picture are just a lot of the churches that we saw during our excursion.

We stopped at a Chinese-Dutch snack shop, where anything that you can deep fry you can find here. I got French frys and a Krochet, which is pretty much meat rolled up and deep fried. And Matt got frys and this giant Lumpia, which is like a giant egg roll. It was all really good, especially the frys. mmmmmmmmmmmm

On the way home, which was a two hour drive, we got to see the sun, which sets around 5:30pm. It was so beautiful. So that was Monday. Tuesday we toured the train system. We didn't take any pictures that day because we were moving so much but we went through Lieden, Rotterdam, Den Haag, and Amsterdam. It was a lot of fun. I wish America had more trains. Well anyways got to go to bed, I'll post more later.

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